Thursday, March 6, 2014

Director Message  

The HOLY CHILDREN’S PUBLIC SCHOOL AND HOSTEL is making its whole effort to rise up the children and have a specific identity’s fast moving crew like world. Pillar that which supports the whole house and makes it strong, in the same way children are also a pillar that support the nation. Similarly If the children of our country will be strong & super then we will be greatest country among the whole world. This can be perceived from changed goal of education from learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to be, Learning to live together. As a result, educations become complex issue where school alone cannot face this challenge. So teachers and parents are now central figure for holistic growth of the child. Teacher are second parents and parents are second teacher, Both have impact on formation of personality of the student. In the era of globalization, working parents, single child issue, western influence, western cultural invasion exposure to TV an internet make education a complex one and hence for the teachers to handle the student alone a difficult task. It should be equally shared by the parents too.


Asha Singh
Holy Children’s Public School and Hostel

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